Marine Patrol

The Crook County Marine Patrol is an award winning seasonal marine program, and operates between May and October.  The Marine Patrol partners with the Oregon State Marine Board, and works closely with Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, Crook County Parks and Recreation District, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, and other local and federal law enforcement and fire agencies.

The Marine Patrol is staffed by two certified seasonal marine deputies, and one seasonal marine aide.  The Marine Patrol's emphasis is on water safety.  The Marine Patrol regularly contacts boaters and conducts equipment safety inspections, informs boaters of various boating rules and laws, provides information, assists disabled boats, marks water hazards, assists emergency services, assists other public agencies, and enforces laws.The Marine Patrol works directly with the Oregon State Marine Board in providing ongoing boater education through classroom instruction, proctoring exams, through public information programs and boater contacts.