Crook County Court - 2nd Hearing of Knife River Comp. Plan Amendment - 217-21-000436-PLNG
Notice is hereby given that the Crook County Court will hold public hearings at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 and 9:30 a.m. on November 3, 2021 to consider the following:
Robert Vanier Jr. and Lani Vanier (owner) and Knife River (applicant) filed a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to add a 77.98-acre site to the County’s inventory of significant aggregate resource sites (Chapter IX, Crook County Comprehensive Plan, codified in 2003). As part of the review, the applicants request that the County adopt the site-specific ESEE (economic, social, environmental and energy) analysis. This will be an amendment to Crook County Ordinance 17. The property is identified as Township 14 South, Range 15 East, WM, Section 14, tax lot 103. The property is zoned Exclusive Farm Use – Prineville Valley and Lone Pine Areas (EFU-2) and is located at the corner of Stahancyk Lane and Lamonta Road.
The applicable approval criteria: The hearing is being held pursuant to Crook County Code 18.172 (administrative procedures), 18.168 (quasi-judicial plan amendments), 18.144 (Aggregate Resource sites), the Crook County Comprehensive Plan and applicable State statutes and administrative rules.
Written testimony or comments may be submitted to the Crook County Community Development Department by email at, and may also be submitted in person or by mail to 300 NE 3rd St, Room 12, Prineville, OR 97754. Written testimony will continue to be accepted until the record closes, which may occur as soon as the conclusion of the second public hearing.
Failure to raise an issue in the hearing, in person or by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on that issue.
A copy of the application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost and will be provided at reasonable cost in accordance with the County’s fee schedule. Please contact the Planning Division at (541)447-3211 or to schedule a time to inspect or to request copies. Documents are also available on the County’s website at no cost:
A copy of the staff report will also be available at the above link seven days prior to the hearing at no cost, with hard copies available as well in accordance with the planning departments fee schedule.
Crook County will allow the public to participate using a WebEx conference call. People may listen to deliberations and may participate by following the below directions: Dial the following number (1-408-418-9388), Meeting Number (Access Code) 126 538 6281, Attendee ID Press #.
Staff contact is Will VanVactor, Community Development Director. You may contact them by email at, or by phone at (541)447-3211.
Public participation is also permitted in person by attending the hearing in the conference room at 320 NE Court Street, Prineville at 9:30 am. on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 and November 3, 2021. Recordings of the hearings are available through Public Research Request online at, and written minutes will be available after approval at the next regularly scheduled County Court Meeting. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 541-447-3211.