Crook County Planning Commission

For Appeal Hearings heard by the County Court please click here: Court Meetings.


Role & Responsibilities of the Crook County Planning Commission
The Planning Commission is the hearings body for several types of land use decisions that cannot be made at the administrative level, most of which are quasi-judicial in nature. The Planning Commission also hears legislative requests to make recommendations for the Board’s consideration and final decision. Additionally, the Planning Commission serves as the community advisory team for long range planning projects and policy level discussions. 


Planning Commission Meetings
The Planning Commission typically meets monthly, on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. The meetings are held at the Crook County Meeting Room, 320 NE Court Street, Prineville, Oregon.  These meetings, and other special meetings of the Planning Commission, are open to the public. Attendance of the public is encouraged.


What to Expect From a Planning Commission Hearing or Work Session
As a member of the audience, you can expect to have access to the agenda and discussion materials 7 days in advance, accessible from our website or in person at our office. A typical agenda will include the opening of the meeting or hearing by the Chair, a presentation by staff, followed by a presentation from the parties or guest presenters, public comment for items on the agenda, deliberation or discussion by the Planning Commissioners, and a decision or agreement about next steps and action items. Most meetings last about two hours, but it depends on the complexity of the agenda items. The public is welcome to attend for some or all of the meeting.

It’s important to note that public testimony is only allowed during specific portions of the agenda.  Questions from the audience, comments or rebuttal about testimony, or speaking without being recognized are typically not allowed. 


How to Serve on the Planning Commission
The Planning Commission is composed of members of the community from specific geographic areas of the county and varying occupational experience. These requirements can be found in Section 18.172.080, of the Crook County Code. Any member of the community may apply to be a Planning Commissioner.

Applications can be submitted to the Planning Department at any time. When a position becomes vacant, potential candidates will be contacted for an interview. Following an interview, staff makes a recommendation to the Crook County Court and the Court then comes to a decision on whether to appoint the individual as a commissioner who will serve for the remainder of a vacant term or a new term of four years.

Members of the public interested in serving on the Planning Commission can fill out an Application to Serve at the link below and submit it to the Planning Department either in person, by email (, or by mail to 300 NE 3rd Street Room 12, Prineville, OR 97754.

To apply click here - Crook County Planning Commission Application to Serve


To submit comments – click here 


Planning Commissioners

Planning Commissioners are volunteers strategically made up of a diverse cross-section of the community.  They are not typically professional planners, as they are meant to represent the community.  By County Ordinance and State Statute they are to represent the various geographic areas of the county with no more than two individuals in the development business and no more than two in any similar profession. The planning commission members apply to the County Court. The Commissioner’s terms are staggered and are for four years.   

Position #1 - Michael Warren (January 10, 2023 - December 31, 2026) Chairman

Position #2 - Laquita Stec (January 10, 2023 - December 31, 2026)

Position #3 - Calvin Walter (January 10, 2023 - December 31, 2026)

Position #4 - Shelby Duncan (January 8, 2025 - December 31, 2028)

Position #5 - Marlo Dill (January 8, 2025 - December 31, 2028)

Position #6 - George Ponte (January 8, 2025 - December 31, 2028)

Position #7 - Les WIlliamson (February 22, 2022 - December 31, 2025) Vice Chairman


* If you are interested in becoming a Planning Commissioner please email 

We encourage your attendance and participation!