Winter Reading Program 2021

Monday, December 27, 2021 - 9:00am

  • 12-06-2021
  • 12-13-2021
  • 12-20-2021
  • 12-27-2021

winter reading program

The Winter Reading Program starts on December 6. This year we have a fun Bingo-style card filled with fun reading challenges and bonus activities.
Don't worry, you don't need to read or listen to a whole book ;)

Once you've completed a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally come to the library to get your reward.

The Winter Reading Program is for all ages. Bingo prizes include picture books for young participants, a fun goody bag for teens, and a CCL mug for adults.

Throughout the month we'll have activity and craft stations set up in the library; come contribute to our community paper chain or create a joyful holiday card.

Looking for fun things to do over school winter break? Don't forget about our Building and Robotics kits, all of which check out for three weeks.