Board of County Commissioners - Greenbar Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Reopen record for limited issue
Notice is hereby given that the Crook County Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing beginning at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8, 2025 to consider the following:
Reopen the record to admit new evidence, argument, or testimony on the limited issue raised by the Applicant of the setback for the mining operation to the dwelling on tax lot 501 / Lot 14 of the Cimmaron Hills Subdivision owned by Carter. Application 217-24-000070-PLNG – Greenbar Excavation, LLC (Owner) and Lisa Andrach – Fitch and Neary, P.C. (Applicant) proposes to amend the Crook County Comprehensive Plan (“Comprehensive Plan”) to add approximately 226,000 cubic yards of basalt aggregate volume located on Tax Lot No. 1616120000500 to Crook County’s inventory of Significant Mineral and Aggregate Sites (“Aggregate Inventory”). There is no situs address; the property is identified as lot 15 of Cimarron Hills. The property is located approximately 7 miles south of Prineville on Juniper Canyon Road adjacent to an active aggregate quarry located at 1616120000400. The property is zoned Recreation Residential Mobile Zone, RR(M)-5.
The hearing is being held pursuant to Crook County Code (CCC) 18.172 (Administration Provisions) and 18.168 (Legislative Amendments). The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with CCC 18.16 (Exclusive Farm Use), CCC 18.144 (Aggregate Resource Sites), CCC 18.180 (Transportation Impact Analysis); Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-016 (Requirements and Application Procedures for Complying with Statewide Goal 5); Crook County Comprehensive Plan, including Ordinances 43, 51, and 55; and ORS 197, 215, and 517. A notice of public hearing and location maps are being mailed to all affected property owners, and to the appropriate entities and public agencies at least 20 days prior to the Board of County Commissioners hearing.
The hearing will be conducted pursuant to CCC 18.172.081. Interested members of the public may provide oral testimony in favor, opposed, or neutral to the issue under consideration. Written testimony or comments may be submitted to the Crook County Community Development Department by email at and may also be submitted in person or by mail to 300 NE 3rd St, Room 12, Prineville, OR 97754. Written testimony will continue to be accepted until the records close, which may occur as soon as the conclusion of the public hearing.
Failure to raise an issue at the hearing, in person or by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on that issue.
A copy of the application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant along with the applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost and copies can be provided in accordance with the County’s fee schedule. Please contact the Planning Division at (541)447-3211, ext. 1 or to schedule a time to inspect or to request copies. Documents are also available on the County’s website,
A copy of the staff report and meeting materials will be available at at least seven days prior to the hearing at no cost.
For complete agenda and scheduled times, please see the website:
To request assistance due to disability or for assistance with language interpretation or communications aids, please contact the Crook County Community Development Department at (541)447-3211, or John Eisler, Community Development Director, at Assistance to disabled individuals or persons needing language interpretation is provided with advance notice. Crook County encourages persons with disabilities to participate in all programs and activities. This event/location is accessible to people with disabilities. If you need accommodation to make participation possible, please call (541)447-3211.
Crook County offers the public the opportunity to participate remotely and in person.
Attend Zoom meeting online or by phone.
Dial the following number (1-253-215-8782)
Meeting ID: 917 6837 8579
Passcode: 018280
Attend the meeting in person.
Crook County Meeting Room
320 NE Court Street
Prineville, Oregon 97754
Staff contact is John Eisler, Community Development Director. You may contact them by email at or by phone at (541)447-3211.
For application materials and documents that pertain to each record beyond what is presented at this hearing to the Planning Commission, please visit Oregon e-Permitting.