2024 Crook County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Community Input Process
The Crook County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan (MNHMP) Steering Committee, with help from the Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council (COIC), have been working to update the 2018 Crook County NHMP.
The 2024 Crook County MNHMP process involved updating the 2018 Crook County MNHMP, the City of Prineville addendum and creating an addendum for Crook County Fire & Rescue.
Draft copies of different sections of the plan are available on COIC's website. The MNHMP Steering Committee is soliciting community feedback on the County, City of Prineville, and Crook County Fire & Rescue’s Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategy. Feedback can be submitted via this Google Form. Feedback will be collected until Monday, April 14, 2025.
On Monday, April 7th from 5-6pm at the OSU Extension Services Clover Building (498 SE Lynn Road, Prineville, OR , 97754) COIC staff will facilitate a community input meeting with the MNHMP Steering Committee to present the final document, and answer any questions members of the public may have. There will be a brief presentation of the MNHMP process, followed by a Q&A section where community members can ask questions directly to the MNHMP Steering Committee. For questions, please contact Shelby Knight, sknight@coic.org. If community members are interested in participating but are unable to join in person, a Zoom option will be available (Zoom information is on COIC's website).